Adam Tikriti AKA Bigsizer is a British/Jordanian DJ/Rapper based in Dubai producing tracks for his Friends and polishing his first solo EP

How did you get into music?
First, I started listening to EDM, then i taught myself how to DJ, as my taste evolved i started to produce and make my own music.
Your recently released your fist song, how does that make you feel?
Good to finally be rapping on a track after ages,definitely long overdue
Where do you see yourself 5-10 years from now?
Hopefully finishing up some degree, but definitely still having music as a massive part of my life and making it into a profession.
What are some changes you would like to inflict in the music industry?
I would love to give new up and coming artists the ability to really get noticed, especially in this region as there is no medium to help with exposure expect for social media
What is your advice for people chasing their dreams like yourself?
Put out quality work and perfect your craft, there are millions of people releasing just to release, so do not settle for anything less than perfect.